My Story Collection
Children's Story Gallery
On these pages you will find stories for children. Stories that are equally suited for grown-ups on a healing journey. My characters navigate their way through loss, sadness, anger, disconnectedness, and with the help of their friends find ways towards their own authenticity, wholeness, connection and growth.

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The Story of the sad litte Girl
The little girl is very sad. As much as her furry friends try to help her, they just don’t seem to know how. Until a bear mama comes along…
The Story of the Girl with the Hunched Back
The little girls’s home is much too small for her. That’s no way to live! With the help of her friends she finds creative ways to make a change.

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Hubbell the humble bumble bee
Hubbell’s mum wants him to be humble bumble bee – something that he is definitely not! He is angry and sad and needs a way out.
Sunny Flowers on a Cake Mission
Sunny wants to bake a cake, but has run out of sugar. On her mission to find some, she runs into some funny characters in her village Happy.
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The Girl behind the Stone wall
Maria lived behind a wall of stone, spending all of her days on an oak tree. Until one day the tree was higher than the walls around her and she could see the world beyond.
Storm on treasure island
Hilly and Tilly go on an adventure on their sailing boat and find a treasure on a deserted island. But then a storm breaks out…
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About the author and Illustrator